Monthly Archives: July 2020

An Homily of the Place and Time of Prayer Part I

An Homily of the Place and Time of Prayer God, through his almighty power, wisdom, and goodness, created in the beginning heaven and earth, the sun, the moon, the stars, the fowls of the air, the beasts of the earth, the fishes in the sea, and all other creatures, for the use and commodity of…

Book Review: “The Gathering Storm: Secularism, Culture, and the Church by Al Mohler”

I remember teaching a university church history course when an astute student remarked that in times of cultural change, history “gallops” in a way noticeably different from its usual snail’s pace. The strident and swift changes brought to American culture recently are noticeable symptoms of aggressive and visible secularism that seeks to undermine traditional orthodox…

The Weakness of Men

The story is that men are getting softer.They break down sobbing, hide a face beneathA towel, after they’ve been benched, as ifA private room of terry cloth could shutOut our contempt. They say that some men areAfraid to lift a phone, to call the drug storeAnd ask the hours of the pharmacy.They’ll sit there, sunk…

An Homily Against Gluttony and Drunkenness

An Homily Against Gluttony and Drunkenness Ye have heard in the former Sermon, well beloved, the description and the virtue of fasting, with the true use of the same. Now ye shall hear how foul a thing gluttony and drunkenness is before God, the rather to move you to use fasting the more diligently. Understand…


Review – Prolegomena: A Defense of the Scholastic Method by Jordan Cooper

Prolegomena: A Defense of the Scholastic Method. By Jordan Cooper. A Contemporary Protestant Scholastic Theology. The Weidner Institute: A Division of Just and Sinner, 2020. 358 pp. $21.60 (paperback) Whether you realize it or not, a heated debate has been taking place in Protestant circles these past few decades, over the usefulness or even compatibility…

Anglican Orders of Ministry Part II

In sixteenth-century England, unlike in much of Europe, circumstances allowed for reformation through the ecclesiastical hierarchy, rather than in (total) defiance of it. This has created a unique, sometimes confusing, but, as I hope to show, beneficial position for the Church of England. The Church of England both maintained her historic structure and embraced the…


Book Review: God and the Pandemic by N.T. Wright

N.T. Wright, God and the Pandemic: A Christian Reflection on the Coronavirus and Its Aftermath. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Reflective, 2020. Vii + 76 pp. Paperback $11.99. Few people are as well-positioned to write a Christian reflection that is both scholarly and pastoral than Tom Wright. He has been a leading New Testament scholar for decades…

The bite.

The bite. That one bite. That defiant crunch —“Oh God!” She begg’d as knowledge ravish’d her.That old cliché that ignorance is blissWas in this act conceiv’d, but none can know —Not really — know how knowledge felt at firstTo pure primeval innocence of mind. She knew the tree bore knowledge by its name.She knew its…


What We’re Reading – The Summer Edition (2020)

Every so often, we here at The North American Anglican like to share with the world what we’ve been reading. Here are some of our summer reads! Clinton Collister, Poetry Editor Soloyov and Larionov, Eugene Vodolazkin Eugene Vodolazkin writes novels about people who rely on their ancestors to help them identify their blind spots and…


Book Review: Signed, Sealed, Delivered by Ray R. Sutton

I still remember the first time someone explained the Anglican view of Baptism to me. It was 12 years ago, and I was an Evangelical college student, listening to a lecture on the Reformation. Our instructor was Anglican, and as a part of his discussion, he explained the early Reformed view of Baptism. I don’t…

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