By Subject
The Priestess Question and Egalitarianism
The Debate So Far: Witt has produced two responses to my two essays and promised more. However, he has not responded to several decisive arguments. First: I claim that Genesis 3:16 means that it is not a sin to exclude women from the priesthood, just as it is not a sin for women to refuse…
Liturgy as Collective Memory and Tool
Growing up in the Church of England the Book of Common Prayer (“BCP”) was more of a tool and a reference point than anything else. By the time I came along, it was not the exclusive liturgy of the Church, and modest attempts to modernize the liturgy were being made in the form of the…
National Apostasy: What does Keble’s Assize Sermon Teach Us Almost 200 years later?
“Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against you; but I will teach you good and the right way.” – 1 Samuel 12:23 “For the nation and kingdom which will not serve you shall perish, And those nations shall be utterly ruined.” – Isaiah 60:12 Intro Almost 200 years…
J.C. Ryle on the Power of the Bible: Its reliability and impact
There has been no other book in the world’s history that has transformed lives and civilized society more than the Christian Bible. Not surprisingly, the Guinness Book of World Records acknowledges the Bible as the number one best-selling book in the world. Christians do not find the popularity of the Scriptures surprising because traditional practice…
The Priestess Question, and other Evils of “Christological Subversion”
Witt Responds Witt responded to my first essay in this series. In response to earlier criticisms of his book, Witt announced that there were “key chapters” untouched by those criticisms. Now, in response to my first essay, he has announced I didn’t address his “key point.” A recent reviewer claims to have read this essay:…
Confronting William G. Witt’s “Icons of Christ”
In his tome Icons of Christ, William G Witt compiles a great list of arguments against Christian priestesses and sets out to refute them all. Reviewing this book has recently become considerably easier, because Witt has declared what he believes is the most important part of his book. He did this because another reviewer for…
Divorce and Remarriage
Jared Lovell’s and River Devereux’s calls to restore marriage to its traditional definition as a truly indissoluble union are welcome in our era of counterfeit love and frequent separation. However, their cases are incomplete and leave several questions unanswered: when to consider a marriage valid or invalid, the meaning of the Matthean exception, and how…
Calling for full communion within the Anglican Church in North America
Resolution from the Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth (ACNA) calling for full communion within the Anglican Church in North America I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.” (Jude 1:3) At the formation of the Anglican…
Holy Orders in the ACNA: A Public Appeal to the College of Bishops of the ACNA
If you want to sign this appeal, please visit The Augustine Appeal. The Augustine Appeal As the College of Bishops prepares to elect a new Archbishop, we celebrate with gratitude the 15th anniversary of the Anglican Church in North America, recognizing the Province’s steadfast commitment to orthodox Anglicanism and gospel mission. While we are hopeful…
Fenestra Allegoriae: Allegory As A Window to Reality
Whenever we hear the word “allegorical” we tend to associate it with fanciful and wistful ideas separated from reality. We tend to think allegory must mean the literal words are now abstracted into some chaotic world where meaning becomes subjective and order is left behind. There is a valid criticism that much of what gets…
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