Monthly Archives: July 2023


Why bother with Satanism?

“L’enfer, c’est les autres,” quipped Sartre. Christians disagree. Hell is to be alone, heaven to be with others in love. One might therefore expect Satanists, a contrary bunch, to disagree with the Christians as a matter of principle, and to seclude themselves in haughty isolation from the profanum vulgus. Such was the strategy of old-school…


Infant Baptism: A Treatise in Defense of Infant Baptism, Written in the Scholastic Style – Part I

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Snyder: Scholastic Defense of Infant Baptism

Preface It should be stated that I am writing this treatise primarily for those already holding to the doctrine of infant baptism, that they might have a clearer and more precise understanding of why it is they believe the way they do concerning this article of faith. However, for those open to instruction, I will…


Anglican Confirmation for Suspicious Evangelicals Pt2

In this two-part article, I am offering a case study in how the Confirmation process can be used to advance the efforts of traditional Anglicans in helping what I am calling “suspicious evangelicals” deeper into the Anglican Way. In the first part, I introduced “Rick” (a composite of many of our parishioners) as the kind…


Whose Justification? [Commentary on Browne: Article XI (1)]

Article XI tells us “we are accounted righteous before God, only for the merit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, by faith, and not for our own works or deservings.” To say we are “accounted” righteous indicates that the Article treats justification as forensic, meaning that in justification we are legally declared righteous as…


Civics, Civility, and the Church

Editor’s note: this essay is based on a homily for Independence Day preached by the author at All Saints Anglican Church in San Antonio TX, a parish that uses the American 1928 Book of Common Prayer The role of individual Christians and of the Church in civil and political life is often a matter of…

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