Articles by Fr Seth Snyder

Fr Seth Snyder

Fr Seth Snyder is an Air Force chaplain in the Special Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces, and the vicar at St. Mary the Virgin's Anglican Mission in McConnelsville, Ohio. He holds a B.A.S. in philosophy and history from Ohio University, an M.Div. from Duke Divinity School, an S.T.M. from Yale Divinity School, and he's a Ph.D. candidate at Cambridge University, Corpus Christi College. A brand new lecturer at Reformed Episcopal Seminary, he has a wife, Jessica, and two daughters, Alexis and Abigail.


The Consistency of Anglicanism

Anglicanism is a large umbrella theologically speaking, with diverse, and sometimes even opposed beliefs and practices standing together in the same ecclesial space. Evangelicals, Catholics, Charismatics, and Reformed Christians, amongst others, all have a place (even if not an exactly equal place) at the table in the Anglican Church, giving a breadth and depth to…


Infant Baptism: A Treatise in Defense of Infant Baptism, Written in the Scholastic Style – Part III

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Snyder: Scholastic Defense of Infant Baptism

Practical Application Having discussed the reasons for infant baptism, as well as notable arguments against it, and the orthodox responses to those arguments, it remains to be seen why such a work as this treatise is necessary, or at least expedient, and how its content applies to our current ecclesial context. Our practical applications for…


Infant Baptism: A Treatise in Defense of Infant Baptism, Written in the Scholastic Style – Part II

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Snyder: Scholastic Defense of Infant Baptism

Antitheses Credo-baptists argue against infant baptism on multiple fronts: 1) from Scripture, 2) from Christian antiquity, 3) from the discontinuity between baptism and circumcision, 4) from the illustrative deficiencies of infant baptism, and 5) from the risks involved in infant baptism. 1) The antitheses from Holy Scripture usually take one of these three forms. a)…


Infant Baptism: A Treatise in Defense of Infant Baptism, Written in the Scholastic Style – Part I

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Snyder: Scholastic Defense of Infant Baptism

Preface It should be stated that I am writing this treatise primarily for those already holding to the doctrine of infant baptism, that they might have a clearer and more precise understanding of why it is they believe the way they do concerning this article of faith. However, for those open to instruction, I will…


The Quest for a North American Anglican Theological Center

Some Thoughts and Proposals For those paying attention to the Anglican blogosphere and social media, it will come as no surprise that the idea of a theological center weighs heavy on the minds of many North American Anglicans. There seems to be a general sense that Anglicanism’s historic latitude on matters of doctrine and discipline…

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