Articles by The Editors

An Homily Concerning the Coming Down of the Holy Ghost Part II

THE SECOND PART OF THE HOMILY CONCERNING THE HOLY GHOST, DISSOLVING THIS DOUBT, WHETHER ALL MEN DO RIGHTLY CHALLENGE TO THEMSELVES THE HOLY GHOST, OR NO. Our Saviour Christ, departing out of the world unto his Father promised his disciples to send down another comforter that they should continue with them for ever and direct…


What We’re Reading ‒ Summer 2021

Every so often, we here at The North American Anglican like to share with the world what we’ve been reading. Here are some of our summer reads! Canon Andrew Brashier, Contributor As It Is in Heaven, Fr. Paul A. F. Castellano Recently, I finished Fr. Paul Castellano’s work on liturgy, As It Is in Heaven,…

Book Release: The Commonwealth by Dan Rattelle

We are excited to announce the release of Dan Rattelle’s new chapbook, The Commonwealth. Written, in large part, during his time studying in St Andrews, Scotland with the poet Don Patterson, The Commonwealth looks across the sea toward Rattelle’s home of Massachusetts for inspiration. The craftsman and craftsmanship that remains in our technological age provides…

An Homily Concerning the Coming Down of the Holy Ghost

An Homily Concerning the Coming Down of the Holy Ghost and the Manifold Gifts of the Same for Whitsunday Before we come to the declaration of the great and manifold gifts of the Holy Ghost, wherewith the Church of God hath been evermore replenished, it shall first be needful briefly to expound unto you whereof…

An Homily Concerning Prayer Part III

The Third Part of the Homily of Prayer Ye were taught in the other part of this Sermon, unto whom ye ought to direct your prayers in time of need and necessity, that is to wit, not unto angels or saints, but unto the eternal and everliving God: who, because he is merciful, is always…

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