Articles by The Editors


United in Orthodox Anglicanism: An Agreed Statement

United in Orthodox Anglicanism In the Anglican household of faith there exists profound agreement across evangelical and catholic lines. Likewise, Anglican Compass and The North American Anglican enjoy agreement of purpose according to our specific vocations. We the leaders of these respective ministries seek to provide a trustworthy resource for orthodox Anglicans, to remain faithful…


Proclaiming from the Rooftops: An Interview with Calvin Robinson

How did you discern a call to serve God as a priest and public witness in the Anglican tradition?   During my time as an undergrad and immediately afterward, I was leading a quite superficial, materialistic life in the industry. Living the pursuit of happiness, if you will. Making money, having fun, but not feeling…


Take This Cup: Book Review Omnibus

Today The North American Anglican is pleased to publish four new reviews of Fr. Charles Erlandson’s Take This Cup: How God Transforms Suffering into Glory and Joy, written by Joseph Laughon, Dcn. Ron Offringa, Canon Shannon Ramey, and Alexander Whitaker. While a review of this book was already published here back in August 2020, these…



AMONGST the manifold duties that Almighty God requireth of his faithful servants the true Christians, by the which he should that both his Name should be glorified, and the certainty of their vocation declared, there is none that is either more acceptable unto him or more profitable for them, than are the works of mercy…

A Homily for Good Friday Part II

The Second Homily Concerning the Death and Passion of our Saviour Christ That we may the better conceive the great mercy and goodness of our Saviour Christ in suffering death universally for all men, it behoveth us to descend into the bottom of our conscience, and deeply to consider the first and principal cause wherefore…

A Homily for Good Friday Part I

A Homily for Good Friday, Concerning the Death and Passion of Our Saviour Jesus Christ It should not become us, well beloved in Christ, being that people which be redeemed from the devil, from sin and death, and from everlasting damnation by Christ, to suffer this time to pass forth without any meditation and remembrance…

An Homily of Repentance and of True Reconciliation Unto God Part III

In the Homily last spoken unto you, right well beloved people in our Saviour Christ, ye heard of the true parts and tokens of repentance; that is, hearty contrition and sorrowfulness of our hearts, unfeigned confession in word of mouth for our unworthy living before God, a steadfast faith to the merits of our Saviour…

An Homily of Repentance and of True Reconciliation Unto God Part I

An Homily of Repentance and of True Reconciliation Unto God Part I There is nothing that the Holy Ghost doth so much labour in all the Scriptures to beat into men’s heads, as repentance, amendment of life, and speedy returning unto the Lord God of hosts. And no marvel why: for we do daily and…

An Homily for the Days of Rogation Week Part II

In the former part of this Homily, good Christian people, I have declared to your contemplation the great goodness of Almighty God in the creation of this world with all the furniture thereof for the use and comfort of man, whereby we might the rather be moved to acknowledge our duty again to his Majesty….

An Homily for the Days of Rogation Week Part I

An Homily for the Days of Rogation Week. That All Good Things Cometh from God. I AM purposed this day, good devout Christian people, to declare unto you the most deserved praise and commendation of Almighty God; not only in consideration of the marvellous creation of this world, or for the conservation and governance thereof,…

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