TNAA Volume 1: Issue 1 — has finally shipped!
At long last, our first quarterly has shipped out to all of our subscribers. You should be receiving them in your mailboxes late this coming week!
We were just about one quarter behind on the schedule so we are just going to pick up from there. Subscription will be extended that full quarter and if you have any questions at all, please feel free to let us know.
We are happy to note that we have already started planning quite early for the next one so you can look forward to announcements on that shortly. In the meantime, please look out for your first issues and we do hope you enjoy the material therein.
We’d love to see any pics of you enjoying this issue! Feel free to tag us on Twitter/X @NorthAmAnglican and Facebook!
Subscribe to the quarterly print journal here!

'The North American Anglican – Volume 1: Issue 1 – In a mailbox near you' has 1 comment
July 4, 2024 @ 2:36 pm Fr. Mark Perkins
Looks beautiful! Well done.