Take This Cup: Book Review Omnibus

Today The North American Anglican is pleased to publish four new reviews of Fr. Charles Erlandson’s Take This Cup: How God Transforms Suffering into Glory and Joy, written by Joseph Laughon, Dcn. Ron Offringa, Canon Shannon Ramey, and Alexander Whitaker. While a review of this book was already published here back in August 2020, these new write-ups offer further insights, discussing it from angles previously unexplored.

The meaning of suffering has always been a question weighing heavily on the human heart and mind, and it remains so today. We invite you, therefore, to consider these reflections on Erlandson’s treatment of the subject. For the sake of convenience, the link to each review can be found below:

Joseph Laughon

Ron Offringa

Shannon Ramey

Alexander Whitaker


'Take This Cup: Book Review Omnibus' has 1 comment

  1. March 10, 2022 @ 8:29 am Lee Poteet

    It has been 60 years since I read Pusey’s works and I found them way forward then. The scandal of Newman diverted Anglicans from them so it just may be time to reread and gkve them their due.


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