Responding to Gillis Harp on Confessional Anglicanism

This week the virtual studio is FULL with all three Miserable Offenders present to discuss a recent article by Gillis Harp appearing at The Gospel Coalition. Dr. Harp urges Anglicans to stay true to their confessions, and while we all agreed with this premise we had plenty to discuss regarding Harp’s particular way of applying it.

Harp article:

Lovell article:

P.S. Jesse mistakenly suggested that Gillis Harp is an ordained priest in the ACNA but that doesn’t seem to be true.

Miserable Offenders

The Miserable Offenders are: Jesse Nigro, Andrew Brashier, and Isaac Rehberg

'Responding to Gillis Harp on Confessional Anglicanism' has 1 comment

  1. July 27, 2023 @ 1:21 pm Wes Morgan

    Great episode as always, and agree with your points. I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on Lovell’s article. I thought he had a good vision generally of what a more uniform, confessional Anglicanism could look like even if I disagree with some thoughts.


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