Anglicanism: Apprenticeship to the Carpenter King

This essay was written for and previously submitted to Cranmer Theological House seminary. *** In his response to Sinclair Ferguson’s essay on sanctification, “The Reformed View,” Lutheran theologian Gerhard O. Forde makes an astute distinction between the ability to well define sanctification and to well practice it. Says Forde, “The description may be quite true,…


St. Irenaeus: “Against Heresies” For Practical Bible Study

As the church commemorates St. Irenaeus on June 28th, this is a particularly meet time to receive his counsel on how wisely to approach Scripture and to respond to mysteries we do not understand. —— A student deciding to tackle Irenaeus’ Against Heresies can be forgiven if before long he skims and skips, for Irenaeus…


Trinitytide, An Evensong

Evening comes late, yet even the darkened earth refuses to shake off the moist heat hanging over the backyard. It is as though the Lord has spread a warm wool blanket over the earth and all His creatures. Even the oppressive heat of the day cannot remove our enlightened spirits as we pray evening prayer….


Book Review: “Deep Anglicanism”

Deep Anglicanism: A Brief Guide, 2nd edition. By Gerald R. McDermott. Nashotah, WI: Nashotah House Press, 2024. 374 pp. $15.49 (paper). C.S. Lewis’ novel Till We Have Faces contains a profound image of our epistemological situation as human beings on this earth. Orual, a princess, is told by her sister Psyche of a castle in…


Formulating Orthodoxy: The Centrality of Canon Law for Common Prayer and Doctrine

Editor’s Note: This piece is featured in the Spring/Summer edition of The North American Anglican print journal. We are making it temporarily available to non-subscribers this week as a service to the Bishops and Leaders of the Church. Learn more and subscribe to the print journal here: SUBSCRIBE *** The general deviation from a standard…


Sacral Almsgiving: Presence & Sacrifice

Historically speaking, alms-giving remained – and has remained – a pivotal duty of English Churchmen after the Reformation. For instance, the Canons of 1604 required the construction of an alms-box to be housed in a convenient place in the church and to remain in the custody of the wardens to be used by the priest…


An Ambrosian Moment

“This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of bishop, he desireth a good work.” 1 Timothy 3:1 (Authorized Version) St. Paul encourages St. Timothy as he is discerning appropriate episcopal candidates that should the man desire the position, he is reaching out for it, it is a beautiful undertaking to want….


On the Invocation of the Saints [Commentary on Browne: Article XXII (4)]

Much like image veneration, invocation of the saints has been justified by Anglo-Catholics on the basis of the purported ecumenical authority of the Second Council of Nicaea. The nature of the Council’s support for the practice has at times been a source of confusion, though—some have alleged that the Council outright anathematizes “the denial of…


The Permanence of Marriage and the Sin of Remarriage in the Holy Scriptures

In this essay I shall argue from the Holy Scriptures that marriage is a lifelong covenant that is dissolved only by death and that remarriage while one’s spouse is alive is thus always a sin. Call it Providence, or call it a coincidence, but it appears that the Reverend Jared Lovell and I were both…

(c) 2024 North American Anglican
