He Informs Dew

Anagram of Proverbs 9:10–12, NKJV

yellow field
yields fine wispy fiber:
Your glory ordinary.
fatuous gold as wisdom
to heathen, woefully
for You off lies.
You add beam to leafed wind;
I find you in one lone leaf,
but arise!
be enlightened!
“Israel bow to the King;
He informs dew!”

Lisa Cooper

Lisa Cooper is the copywriter and editor at RevelationMedia, and she freelance writes for various publications. Her poetry has been featured in Penteract Press's 2022 anthology: The Book of Penteract, The Curator, Fathom Magazine, Ekstasis Magazine, and Grand Little Things, among others. She lives in Upstate New York with her husband and two boys. You can find her on Twitter @LaLaLisaCooper

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