Blurb for “The Witness of Beauty”: James Matthew Wilson

“The most important intellectual rediscovery in contemporary thought, however paradoxical it may sound, is the rediscovery of the classical and Christian understanding of the reality of beauty. As Hans Urs von Balthasar once argued, beauty is the precondition for truth, for goodness, for the very intelligibility of being. And yet, for centuries, our civilization has dismissed beauty as either a superficial or a merely extraneous aspect of experience. As James Clark argues in this enlightening and provocative series of essays, beauty will save the world not because it is nice or pretty, but because it is the very light by which we encounter reality, it is the disclosure of being that precedes and makes possible knowledge and love. Everything—everything—hinges upon it.”

Watch here for more updates on “The Witness of Beauty and Other Essays” by James Clark.

James Matthew Wilson

James Matthew Wilson is the author, most recently, of The Strangeness of the Good (Angelico, 2020). He serves as poetry editor for Modern Age magazine, series editor of Colosseum Books, and as director of the Colosseum Institute. He is the director of the MFA in Creative Writing at the University of Saint Thomas.

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