Monthly Archives: May 2021

A Young Philosopher

A young philosopher went every day To watch a seamstress toil at her machine, Where she’d sit alt’ring clothes, a fine array, For those too over-grown or those too lean. Until, at last, because of all he’d seen, As if awoke from prayer, he raised his head, And grabb’d her Singer in a fit of…

Gloria Patri: Who Does It Hurt When We Don’t Sing?

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. It is a formula so familiar to Anglican worshippers, occurring with such frequency in the course of any BCP order of service, that its significance…


Three days before the mystery of Whitsun A large tree across the road cracked in half The wind too much for its dried trunk As two men brought hedge clippers and a saw, Insufficient in tackling the mess, Looked for some time but finally left it Branches loosely strewn, uncut and ungraved Like an homage…

A Baptist’s Appreciation for the BCP

An Unexpected Mentor: A Baptist’s Appreciation for the 1662 Book of Common Prayer In May of 2017, I began my studies at a Baptist seminary by taking a course on eighteenth-century British Evangelicalism. While we spent most of our time examining the lives and impact of figures such as George Whitefield and John Wesley, the…

From Solitude

A mother to her daughter Gazing out over the water: ‘Back up you come, honey.’ I would not be without The love that puts paid to doubt For lust nor money. My sense of you is thorough As church bells rouse Hillsborough And the children play – Like the sudden certitude That saved us from…


Listening to the wise son of Sirach

the significance of the use of the Apocrypha in Tillotson’s preaching On September 13th, 1689, King William III appointed a commission of bishops and theologians “to prepare such alterations of the liturgy” as would enable “the reconciling, as much as is possible, of all differences among our good [Protestant] subjects.” On the same day, one…

Response to Steven McGregor’s Review of Orthodox Anglican Identity

Thank you, Steven McGregor, for taking the time to read and review my Orthodox Anglican Identity, for caring about Anglicanism, and for challenging me to think even more deeply about our beloved Anglican tradition. I’m glad to see that Steven has picked up on the structure of the book, as well as some of its…

Book Review: “Metaphysics in the Reformation”

Metaphysics in the Reformation: The Case of Peter Martyr Vermigli. By Silvianne Aspray. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. 176 pp. $80.00 (cloth). Attempting to discern a systematic approach to metaphysics in the Reformation quickly runs into a problem, namely that the Reformers generally did not treat metaphysical questions as such in their writings. As…

Alfred Hope Patten

1885-1958, Anglo-Catholic priest and restorer of the Shrine in 1922 Your name has a certain gleam to it – eccentric sounding, as you were yourself, misfit farmer’s boy, dodger of tests, perhaps the printed word oppressed you unlike the sensory glory of High Church. You loved the drench of incense, the cleansing douse of holy…

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