Monthly Archives: June 2021

A Young Hummingbird

A young hummingbird approaches my feeder, Wings a flash of anxious silver, Grimly eyeing me, the giver Of the gift of glinting nectar. Head aswivel, tensely twitching, Guarding his own greedy sipping, As if worried, maybe wondering When I’ll snatch back all he’s loving. Frantic bird with frantic trill, Ever-moving, ever-shrill, Maybe someday we both…

An Homily for the Days of Rogation Week Part II

In the former part of this Homily, good Christian people, I have declared to your contemplation the great goodness of Almighty God in the creation of this world with all the furniture thereof for the use and comfort of man, whereby we might the rather be moved to acknowledge our duty again to his Majesty….

The Devil’s Redemption: A Short Clarification

This letter is a brief clarification of the position that I argued regarding Christian universalism in my book, The Devil’s Redemption (2018). During the last year and a half, I have found that many of those who read David Bentley Hart’s review of my book—but who have not read the book itself—have ended up with…

An Homily for the Days of Rogation Week Part I

An Homily for the Days of Rogation Week. That All Good Things Cometh from God. I AM purposed this day, good devout Christian people, to declare unto you the most deserved praise and commendation of Almighty God; not only in consideration of the marvellous creation of this world, or for the conservation and governance thereof,…

Orthodox Anglican Social Teaching: Pandemic, Identity, and Ethnicity

“Not My will but Thy Will Be Done” (Luke 22:42) Our Lord Jesus Christ’s singular purpose was to do His Father’s will. Early in His ministry He instructed His disciples to pray, “Thy will be done” (Matthew 6:10). In the Garden of Gethsemane He concluded, “Not My will but thy will be done” (Luke 22:42)….


Tires on wet pavement whooshing, wavelike, by. Raindrops, in their staccato rhythm, tapping Blurred windows. Morning barely half awake. A recently arriving rainy day, When a small girl— Still, green-blue eyes and almost yellow hair, Warm in her raincoat, backpack on her back, Riding the bus to school—watches the rain, Watches black puddles, splashed by…

An Homily Concerning the Coming Down of the Holy Ghost Part II

THE SECOND PART OF THE HOMILY CONCERNING THE HOLY GHOST, DISSOLVING THIS DOUBT, WHETHER ALL MEN DO RIGHTLY CHALLENGE TO THEMSELVES THE HOLY GHOST, OR NO. Our Saviour Christ, departing out of the world unto his Father promised his disciples to send down another comforter that they should continue with them for ever and direct…

Book Review: “The Devil’s Redemption”

The Devil’s Redemption: A New History and Interpretation of Christian Universalism (2 Volumes). By Michael J. McClymond. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2018. 1362 pp. $90.00 (paper). Before the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion were finalized in 1571, there were the Forty-two Articles of 1553. Almost all the substance of the latter can be found in the…


We’re iced-in, this April dawn. The misted window Hides the mountain. We’ve joined the ghosts who strain To live with us inside these rooms— They sail above the long mahogany floors, know Stories no more than air, harboring loves slain By time, who dined and sang, postponed their dooms. They linger before the silent stone…


The ACNA: A View from the NALC

Common Origins Founded respectively in 2009 and 2010, the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) and the North American Lutheran Church (NALC) are on parallel tracks. The reasons for their founding were similar. In the case of the Anglicans, it was a longstanding objection to The Episcopal Church’s (TEC) drift into theological liberalism and moral…

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