A Young Philosopher

A young philosopher went every day
To watch a seamstress toil at her machine,
Where she’d sit alt’ring clothes, a fine array,
For those too over-grown or those too lean.
Until, at last, because of all he’d seen,
As if awoke from prayer, he raised his head,
And grabb’d her Singer in a fit of spleen,
And smash’d it ‘gainst a wall, and stitches shred:
“The time has come to sew without the thread!
From old and barb’rous ways at last set free,
From all such scissors, needles, strings — instead
Free cloths will join in nat’ral harmony,
Equality, fraternity, oh yes! —
A seamstress need but watch them form a dress.”

Drew Keane

Drew Nathaniel Keane is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Writing and Linguistics at Georgia Southern University and a PhD candidate in the School of English at the University of St. Andrews, writing a thesis (tentatively) titled The Use of the Prayer Book: The Book of Common Prayer (1549-1604) as Technical Writing for an Oral-Aural Culture. With Samuel L. Bray, he edited the 1662 Book of Common Prayer: International Edition (IVP Academic, March 2021). From 2012 to 2018 he served on the Episcopal Church’s Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music. More of his work is available at drewkeane.com.

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