Monthly Archives: September 2020


Book Review: Christ and Calamity by Harold L. Senkbeil

Christ and Calamity: Grace & Gratitude in the Darkest Valley. By Harold L. Senkbeil. Bellingham, WA: Lexham (2020). 168 pp. (plus x). $9.99 (paper). $0.99 (Kindle). In the midst of the uncertain times in which we live due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, Harold Senkbeil’s Christ and Calamity: Grace and Gratitude in the Darkest Valley speaks…

Confirmation in Classical Anglicanism

At the conclusion of the 1662 baptismal liturgy, the minister charges the godparents: Ye are to take care that this Child be brought to the Bishop to be confirmed by him, so soon as he can say the Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Ten Commandments, in the vulgar tongue, and be further instructed in…

Me And Pablo Neruda

I am with my love in La Colombina, a room with forty narrow windows and a stained glass spine to the ceiling and calligraphic iron scribbles for roof support. The sea stands still beyond hillsides of innumerable houses, folded and tucked shapes of plaster and painted tin. A seagull waits at the open window beside…

Dead Water

Between despair and hope, two continents,   a vast sea lies, blank whiteness on the chart.   No waves, no cartographer’s fanciful decorations—a simple nothing, nondescript, immense. Here I tread water. The taste and smell of salt,   irreducible facts, offer no explanations   to map the trackless journeys of the heart:how I came here, whether I’m at fault….


Rediscovering J. B. Phillips: An Interview with Peter Croft

Few Christian authors in the second half of the last century had such broad influence inside and out of the Church as J. B. Phillips. Phillips, a Church of England parish priest, became the most famous Anglican clergyman of his day, on both sides of the Atlantic. A contemporary of C. S. Lewis (who encouraged…

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