


the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost (I John 5: 7)

The spirit, the Word, and the Father –
Three in One – from eternity, gathered
The earth, sky, and waters together.


the spirit and the water and the blood (I John 5: 8)

The spirit, the water, the blood
Bear witness on earth of one God
Who made sea, land, and sky “very good.”


sin, and righteousness, and judgment (John 16: 8)

The same Spirit, who’d moved on the din
Of the waters, would later begin
To convict men of judgment and sin.


the raging of the sea, and the noise of his waves, and the madness
of the of the peoples (Psalm 65: 7)

The raging, unruly seas
Echo humanity’s
Persistent insanities.


spirit, soul, and body (I Thessalonians 5: 23)

In the same threefold form we inherit
From Adam – soul, body, and spirit –
He came. Only true love would dare it.


faith, hope, charity (1 Cornithians 13: 13)

The Creator works often in threes
When displaying His mysteries;
But His love is the greatest of these.


the Benediction (II Corinthians 13: 14)

May God’s love and the grace of His Christ
Make us one in the Holy Ghost
To commune with the heavenly host.


the kingdom, and the power, and the glory (Matthew 6: 13)

Let your kingdom come, Lord; do not tarry.
All the world is your own territory.
Come and reign in your power and glory.


the Gloria Patri (Matthew 28: 19)

From the past, what is now, and what shall be,
May all glory redound to the Trinity
In earth’s time and in heaven’s eternity.

Cynthia Erlandson

Cynthia Erlandson has had poetry published in First Things, Modern Age, Anglican Theological Review, Touchstone, The Book of Common Praise (Reformed Episcopal Church Hymnal), and Forward in Christ. Her first book, a collection of poems for the Church year called These Holy Mysteries, is available on Amazon. The incarnation of the spiritual in the physical -- the gift of being able to know our Creator through His creation because we are made in His image -- is an important theme to her. As a Personal Trainer and Senior Fitness Specialist, she helps people with the physical side of life.

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