The Ballad of Whisky

You warm me from the inside out
        And fill me to the brim.
You charm me with your Scottish clout,
        With your amber color dim.

Now stoke the fire and pack your pipe,
        Fill your glasses well.
Your drink is not of common type,
        Please listen to it tell

Of island home and salt sea air,
        Of peat and smoke and fire;
Of mounts and woods and old men’s prayer,
        Of Andrew’s cross and English ire.

It sings the songs of Scotland
        With every single sip,
It sends me to my homeland
        When it meets my lips.

David Russell Mosley

Dr. David Russell Mosley has a PhD in theology from the University of Nottingham. His poetry can be found in Black Bough Magazine, Jesus the Imagination, The Imaginative Conservative, Z Publishing’s New Hampshire’s Best Emerging Poets 2019, and Macrina Magazine. When he’s not writing, Dr. Mosley likes hiking in the woods, drinking single-malt Scottish whisky, and smoking a pipe.

'The Ballad of Whisky' has 1 comment

  1. December 23, 2020 @ 11:42 am Andrew

    HERE HERE!!!


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