Prayer-Beads to Saint Kyneburgha


It is within your sacred atrium
I would contemplate, know
at-one-ment with sculptured,
feminine forma: an Annunciation
carved for the artist’s wife, Clare,
who is figure-double of the Virgin
Annunciate; & this Lamentation
Lady suckling her Christ-child;
both marvellous. And if the stone
be immaculate, then here we
have proof, we who are witness-
proof, yet willing victims
of our own surveillance.

Here in your Lady’s protectorate,
dark micro-citadel which cannot
be penetrated: vitreous, inviolable.
Embryonic, here I find shelter
from electrical storm, acid rain,
the acidic rhetoric of politician
& of media-celebrity. Tabernacled
in your vivacious stone, tranquil
after chemical imbalance, so I
will cling fast to your exemplary
prow-bust; know myself cloistered,
embalmed in Empyrean-film,
staring up at your Fixed Stars, the

ignition of your filamented Love.

Penda’s daughter, Marian abbess;
pagan shoot, Christological bud.

You came, grave Kyneburgha, with
your sister to Medeshamstede, began

this magnificent work. Your oeuvre
still hatching redemptive life within,

&; without, this hushed sanctum.
Polytheism dovetailing into mono-

theism seamlessly. Penda’s daughter,
covenantal woman, let your trans-

lucency pierce the opaque, plastic
transistor of my Babel-incarceration.

Your Logos heightens, then focuses
the Dionysian life upon the keen

blade of sheer ontology. Pagan shoot,
Christological bud; your soil stirs:

sensuous, Pentecostal, at cold dawn.

Mark Wilson

Mark Wilson has published four poetry collections: 'Quartet For the End of Time' (Editions du Zaporogue, 2011), 'Passio' (Editions du Zaporogue, 2013), 'The Angel of History' (Leaky Boot Press, 2013) and 'Illuminations' (Leaky Boot Press, 2016). He is the author of a verse-drama, 'One Eucalyptus Seed', about the arrest and incarceration of Ezra Pound after World War Two, as well as a tragi-comedy, 'Arden'. His poems and articles have appeared in: The Black Herald, The Shop, Tears in the Fence, 3:AM Magazine, Anvil Tongue, International Times, The Fiend, Syncopation, Epignosis Quarterly, Dodging the Rain, The Ekphrastic Review, Rasputin and Le Zaporogue.

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