TNAA Press


“The Witness of Beauty and Other Essays” on sale now!

It is with great joy that I am able to announce the publication of our own Book Review Editor James Clark’s book The Witness of Beauty and Other Essays from The North American Anglican Press! This project has been a labor of love on my part and I can’t express how excited I am to…


Blurb for “The Witness of Beauty”: Timon Cline

“These essays will be, at times, unsettling for the American Protestant reader. Defying (recent) conventional wisdom and trends, James Clark moves through wide-ranging considerations of politics and culture, including insights on everything from architecture to Thomas Aquinas to Christopher Nolan, drawing on influences from Plato to Cardinal Ratzinger to Rod Dreher. Most provocative is his…


Excerpt #4 From “The Witness of Beauty and Other Essays” by James Clark

  “There is never a situation in which we have no choice but to commit sin. God does not oblige us to break the very laws that are derived from His eternal Being, and those who teach otherwise, however well-intentioned their motives, are laying a grievous millstone on the necks of their listeners.” ~James Clark~…


Blurb for “The Witness of Beauty”: Charles Erlandson

“As the Church has become less influential and respected by the dominant culture in the twenty-first century, Christian thinkers have been pondering how the Church can continue to be the light of the world. In his collection of essays, The Witness of Beauty, James Clark offers a stimulating kaleidoscope of answers to this pressing question….


Blurb for “The Witness of Beauty”: Colin Redemer

“In The Witness of Beauty James Clark weighs in on several of the all-important debates surrounding Protestant political engagement in the 21st century, drawing from classical sources to level critical but fair arguments at his contemporary interlocutors. While he writes from an unashamedly Anglican perspective, this book is worth reading for everyone concerned with the…


Blurb for “The Witness of Beauty”: Andrew Davison

“James Clark’s The Witness of Beauty demonstrates the notable capacity of the Anglican tradition to renew and enliven theological thinking in North America in the present day. Aware that he and I take opposite views on some of the topics that divide us within our tradition ‒ topics addressed in this volume ‒ his book…

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