Religious Images


“I quarrel not the making of images”

the theology and practice of images in the Jacobean and Caroline Church of England   “And that Images are things indifferent of themselves, is granted in the Homilies which are against the very Peril of Idolatry.”[1] The words are those of Archbishop Laud at his trial, when confronted with charges of ‘Popish idolatry’. Such charges…


In Defense of Images

Dear Reader, Beloved in Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, it seems fitting to begin my poor discourse (in which nothing new can or will be said) by quoting the Anglican Doctor, the Reverend Richard Hooker: Think not that ye read the words of one who bendeth himself as an adversary against the truth which…


The Question of Images In The Documents Of The English Reformation

The suitability of images in the Church’s worship of God is a question that stretches from the adolescent years of the Church to the present day. Consensus among the different traditions and denominations within the catholic Church on the topic seems to be futile. Many Protestants today find a connection to the ancient past through…

(c) 2025 North American Anglican