Book of Homilies

For Repairing and Keeping Clean the Church

An Homily for Repairing and Keeping Clean and Comely Adorning of Churches It is a common custom used of all men, when they intend to have their friends or neighbours to come to their houses to eat or drink with them, or to have any solemn assembly to treat and talk of any matter, they…

Against the Peril of Idolatry Part III

The Third Part of the Homily Against images and the Worshipping of Them Containing the confutation of the principal arguments which are used to be made for the maintenance of images: which part may serve to instruct the curates themselves, or good men of understanding Now ye have heard how plainly, how vehemently, and that…

Against the Peril of Idolatry Part II

The Second Part of the Homily Against the Peril of Idolatry You have heard, well beloved, in the first part of this Homily the doctrine of the word of God against idols and images, against idolatry and worshipping of images, taken out of the Scriptures of the Old Testament and the New, and confirmed by…

(c) 2025 North American Anglican