Articles by Tyler Hummel

Tyler Hummel

Tyler Hummel is a freelance writer and was the Fall 2021 College Fix Fellow at Main Street Nashville. He has been published at Leaders Media, Geeks Under Grace, The New York Sun, The Tennessee Register, The College Fix, Law and Liberty, Angelus News, and Hollywood in Toto. He is a member of the Music City Film Critics Association.


What Will Become Of Our Sacred Spaces?  

An existential threat is beginning to come into focus, one that mainline Protestantism has barely begun to engage with sincerely and that could cascade into generations of failure and decline. I am speaking of the future of historic church properties—which are facing a crisis of purpose and financial security that could result in many of…


Book Review: “Every Moment Holy: The Work Of The People”

On Saturday, November 4, the authors and illustrators behind the critically acclaimed Every Moment Holy devotional series gathered at Providence Church in Mount Juliet, Tennessee, to celebrate the release of the third volume of their praiseworthy and highly successful liturgical series. Author Douglas McKelvey was joined on stage by popular songwriters Andrew Peterson and Jon…


Methodists At 180 Feet Below: A Short Reflection On Showmanship

It might be factious to say that America’s great contribution to Christianity is showmanship, but maybe it’s not. It says a lot that the first original religious movement in America is arguably the Methodist movement. Methodism certainly is not a religion founded on a desperate need for entertainment, but it was founded to fulfill an…


There Is No Traditionalist Liturgical Revival Happening—Yet

There is a very popular narrative you will hear among young Christians—that the millennial and zoomer generations have embarked on an effort to return the Christian Church to its former glory, overthrow the stagnant failures of contemporary Protestantism and vernacular Catholicism, and reaffirm the older ways of Traditional Christianity. They claim that there is a…


Conference Review: Mere Anglicanism 2023

“Learning To Tell More Beautiful Stories” Charleston, South Carolina is one of the most beautiful cities in the United States—an old city with one of the most impressively preserved historical districts—in a country replete with depressing newness. No building on the peninsula exceeds the height of its famous church steeples, meaning that from any angle…

Gerald Bray and the Anglican Communion’s Identity Crisis

I heard a joke recently that any time three Anglicans are in a room together you’ll have four different opinions on doctrine. It’s the kind of joke that cuts deep because at its heart is a very real disunity that haunts the tradition. The longer I’ve read into the tradition, the more the church’s centuries-old…

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