Articles by Matthew Brench

Matthew Brench

Fr. Matthew lives in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, with his wife, cat, and two lads, and has been the Vicar of a tiny church plant in Massachusetts since 2014, after completing his M.Div. at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in 2012 and receiving Holy Orders in the Anglican Diocese in New England (ACNA) thereafter. Matthew is an enthusiast for preaching the Old Testament, Anglican liturgy, and Doctor Who. He keeps a pastoral blog, leorningcnihtes boc, and is currently writing and maintaining The Saint Aelfric Customary and blog.


The Reformed Doctrine of Baptismal Regeneration

One of the several contentious issues that pits Anglican against Anglican today is the doctrine of baptismal regeneration. Unlike other controversies, such as the insights or errors of women’s ordination, or the insights or errors of adopting elements of the Pentecostal tradition into our own, the question of baptismal regeneration is actually directly addressed within…


Anglicanism’s One Manual Ritual

Liturgically speaking, Anglicanism is remarkably simple. Sure, the Prayer Book requires something of a learning curve, especially modern Prayer Books with all their options and possibilities and multi-year lectionaries. But when you compare the historic Prayer Book tradition to the other great liturgical traditions, particularly Rome and the East, ours is far simpler to follow,…


Hymnal Review: The Book of Common Praise (2017)

The ACNA has no province-wide plan for creating a new hymnal. This is unfortunate, but it makes sense – different congregations have their favorite hymnals (often the 1940 or the 1982), and the growing preference for contemporary praise music is not especially conducive to printing standard book considering the majority of it is released as…

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