Articles by Matthew Colvin

Matthew Colvin

Matthew Colvin holds a PhD in Classics (Cornell, 2004) and is a minister in the Reformed Episcopal Church. He is the author of The Lost Supper (Fortress Academic, 2019). He lives on Vancouver Island.


Review of Icons of Christ: Symbolism and Conclusions

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Colvin: Review of "Icons..." by Witt

Part 4: Symbolism and Conclusions In the previous three installments, we have examined the plausibility structures of women’s ordination (WO), Witt’s view of history, and his handling of Greek philology. We now turn to questions of symbolism, a topic that Witt discusses mainly in dialogue with Roman Catholic authors, especially Manfred Hauke.[1] Hauke’s argument is…


Review of Icons of Christ: Errors of Philology

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Colvin: Review of "Icons..." by Witt

PART 3 – ERRORS OF PHILOLOGY Having discussed plausibility structures and history in the previous two parts of this review, we come now to what, for Protestants, will be the central question of the debate: can Witt show that the passages that have long been thought to pose an obstacle to women’s ordination (WO) do…


Review of Icons of Christ: Plausibility Structures

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Colvin: Review of "Icons..." by Witt

PART 1: WHY IS WOMEN’S ORDINATION PLAUSIBLE? Icons of Christ : A Biblical and Systematic Theology for Women’s Ordination. Witt, William G. Waco: Baylor University Press 2020. 439 pp. $59.99 (cloth); $44.99 (paper). Professor William G. Witt of Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, PA, has recently written a new book defending women’s ordination (hereinafter “WO”) to…

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