Articles by Daniel Logan

Daniel Logan

Daniel lives in Birmingham, AL, with his wife, Laura, and their three children.


To Whom Shall We Go?

Anglicanism After England and Hooker’s Two-Legged Stool ~ There was once a time in England (and, therefore, in these United States also, still being in the loins of her ancestor) when the execution of a careful argument was valued as a demonstration of the soundness of the premises being proposed. We used to believe that…


The Indefatigable Dr Muhlenberg: An American Saint

In 1845, on a winter evening in the Church of the Holy Communion in New York City, Anne Ayres was consecrated the first Sister of the Sisterhood of the Holy Communion by the Rev. Dr. William Augustus Muhlenberg. This momentous event receives the sparsest mention by Sister Ayres herself within the 524 pages of her…


The End of Advent: Murder in the Cathedral

Come, happy December, who shall observe you, who shall preserve you? Since golden October declined into sombre November And the apples were gathered and stored, and the land Became brown sharp points of death in a waste of water and mud, The New Year waits. We wait with it. Here let us stand, close by…


In Defense of Images

Dear Reader, Beloved in Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, it seems fitting to begin my poor discourse (in which nothing new can or will be said) by quoting the Anglican Doctor, the Reverend Richard Hooker: Think not that ye read the words of one who bendeth himself as an adversary against the truth which…

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