Articles by Bryce Lowe

Bryce Lowe

Bryce Lowe is a student at Trinity Anglican Seminary and a graduate from Grove City College.


The Protest of Anglicanism

It is common to hear Anglicanism described as “Reformed Catholic,” and I appreciate this term. I think it helps outsiders and insiders to understand the two major emphases of the denomination. That being said, I still want Anglicans to hold on to the name “Protestant.” I largely have John Jewell to thank for this, an…


The Place of Scripture in the ACNA

This is an essay about the place of Scripture in the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA). The characterization of the ACNA in this paper comes from my own observation as a member of it and as a student at one of its more recognizable seminaries, Trinity School for Ministry. My observations probably say more…


In Peril of Idolatry

I think chasubles should be burned, miters should be thrown away, thuribles should be melted down, and icons should be removed. Bishops should rebuke priests who elevate the host per Article XXVIII. If you insist on fixing the Holy Table to the wall, you should offer from the north end. Bells are prohibited. Scarfs instead…

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