Articles by Brandon LeTourneau

Brandon LeTourneau

Brandon is your typical pseudo-intellectual who knows more than he should and less than he thinks. An Anglican Seminarian, known for his assertions of the Catholicity of the Reformation and his abiding love for the oddest bits of Church History. He hopes to one day serve the ACNA in an ecumenical capacity. Pray for him, a sinner.


Sacral Almsgiving: Presence & Sacrifice

Historically speaking, alms-giving remained – and has remained – a pivotal duty of English Churchmen after the Reformation. For instance, the Canons of 1604 required the construction of an alms-box to be housed in a convenient place in the church and to remain in the custody of the wardens to be used by the priest…


Pilgrimages, Relics, & the American Church

“I think that pilgrimages may be well done, I never said otherwise; but I have said often and now I will say again ‘do your duty and then your devotion.’” –Rev. Dr. Edward Crome, English Reformer “Epiphanius being yet alive did work miracles, and that after his death devils, being expelled at his grave or…


Interview: St. Andrew’s College – Rev. Brian Foos & Dr. John Seel

t can seem daunting to those within the Anglican world to find a college or university which offers to form young people within the Tradition. As for myself, when it came time to pursue my undergrad, I opted to attend a Roman Catholic institution as it was the best I could find at the time….


The Feast of Dedication : Christians and Chanukah

hristians celebrating Chanukah has become somewhat of a mystery to me – though I should say that I am sympathetic to those who do. When I was first discerning what it meant to be a Jew who had come to believe the Christian claims, I too lit a menorah and sang the prescribed berakhot at…


The Wreath Makers’ Ballad: Some Advent Folk Piety

  I have long had an admiration for the “indefatigable” Rev. Dr. William Augustus Muhlenberg. If you’re unfamiliar, he was the father of American Schools and a spiritual giant to the Rev. James Lloyd Breck – the “Apostle of the Wilderness” and founder of Nashotah House – who went on to name his only son…


Book Review: “A Hymnal of the Heart”

A Hymnal of the Heart. Nashotah, WI: Nashotah House Press, 2022. 150 pp. $9.85 (cloth); $3.35 (paper). When I was first asked to review Nashotah House Press’s pocket hymnal—A Hymnal of the Heart—I was admittedly unsure where to begin. As I mentioned in my review of Nashotah’s A Catechism 1604 Redux, “I am often intimidated…


When I Consider the Heavens

When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and…

Book Review: “A Catechism (1604 Redux)”

A Catechism: 1604 Redux. Edited by Fr. Ben Jefferies. Nashotah, WI: Nashotah House Press, 2021. 55 pp. $10.00 (cloth). Fr. Ben Jefferies’ recent work, A Catechism: 1604 Redux, is a happy addition to the recent scurry among academics for Anglican Ressourcement. I was delighted when I was asked to review it for you all here….

Hail, Thou That Art Highly Favored

Unable to answer these arguments, I remained silent toward these people; but now I beg you Father, to instruct me in what I should say to defend the truth, so that (following the Apostle’s injunction) I may “be ready to give an account of the faith that is in us.” —St. Gregory Palamas I’ve been…

The Place of Holy Tradition, Part I

Sacra Scriptura | Holy Scripture Introduction Within my preliminary essay Principles and Distinctives of Anglican Ceremonial, I included a brief page discussing the Anglican view, as differentiated from the Roman and Eastern view, of Tradition and the role it plays in the framing of doctrine. As this piece has been read by friends and colleagues…

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