Articles by Rev. Andrew Brashier

Rev. Andrew Brashier

Rev. Andrew Brashier serves as the Archdeacon and Director of the Anglican Office of Education, Training, and Formation for the Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy (JAFC). He is the former Rector of the Anglican Church of the Good Shepherd in Pelham, Alabama, former Dean of the Parish and Missions Deanery, and former Chancellor of the JAFC. He writes regularly about ministry, family worship, daily prayer, book reviews, family oratories and the impact they can have in reigniting Anglicanism, and the occasional poem at He recently republished Nowell's Middle Catechism ( and previously republished Bishop John Jewel's Treatises on the Holy Scriptures and Sacraments ( The second edition of his first book, A Faith for Generations, is now available at Amazon ( and focuses on family devotions and private prayer in the Anglican tradition.


The 1662 Option

Prayer book wars have been a notable and time-consuming art for Anglicans since the mid-to-late 20th Century. However, less than a hundred years ago, Anglicans across the globe were united by a single prayer book for their respective provinces, and the vast majority of Anglicans globally were united by a single prayer book – the…


Keep the Watch, Keep the Feast

And he came to the disciples and found them sleeping. And he said to Peter, “So, could you not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” – Matthew 26:40‒41 Regrettably, every year there are Christians who neglect worshipping on Christmas…


A Forgotten Jewel Glimmers Again

Let us now praise famous men, and our fathers that begot us. The Lord hath wrought great glory by them through his great power from the beginning. – Ecclesiasticus 44:1‒2, Authorized Version. As I write during this octave of All Saints I smirk thinking about Bishop John Jewel. He is an English saint worth remembering…


For All the Saints

Perhaps the most noble vocation is that of Christian parenthood. Parents are called to die to themselves for their spouse and while raising children in an increasingly hostile world. The Lord’s admonishment rings more urgently than ever to “See that you do not despise one of these little ones.” (Matthew 18:10, ESV). Unfortunately, parents today…


Trampling the Tyrant, Delivering the Dead

Can you feel the wait? The weight of sin. The weight of glory. The pause of movement, Creation waits, Its Maker sleeps.   Down into the pit Descends the One Who made the depths. All of Sheol Looks up and gazes Upon the Savior.   The Alpha who spoke Light into existence Illuminates the dark…


Lifting in Lent

With the title “Lifting in Lent,” you’re likely expecting a solid workout plan paired with the Lenten fast. Well here it is: Five sets of lifting a box of Books of Common Prayer while repeating the Commandments in their entirety as God wrote them in the Good Book, none of this abbreviated nonsense (brah, do…



I travel the old ways I am the Remembrancer. The forest knows me Hostile on my way. My steps are measured Meted three by thirteen. The phantoms cry out Hunger in their grasp. Words I repeat cast Silence on the spirits. The old path is worn But seldom traveled. Tread softly this way Remove thy…


Bodybuilding in Exile

When I first began writing this column, we were in the midst of quarantine. The “14 days to flatten the curve” gradually crept into month one or two and I began wondering how to sanctify the time during days spent between Zoom calls and homeschooling. However, each week and frankly each month, I managed to…


The Multivocational Life

The Anglican Church in North America has always embraced planting missions across the continent. Archbishop Robert Duncan began his tenure pressing the Anglican 1000 initiative, with the goal of planting 1,000 parishes within ten years. Archbishop Foley Beach took up the mantle with his Always Forward initiative and now Presiding Bishop Ray Sutton (Reformed Episcopal…


Monastics, Every One of Us

In the midst of life we are in death; of whom may we seek for help, but you, O Lord, who for our sins are justly displeased? The Committal, ACNA Book of Common Prayer, 2019, page 260 The selected quote may also be found in the Anthem to the Holy Saturday service, on page 579…

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