Articles by Alexander Whitaker

Alexander Whitaker

Alexander Whitaker is President of King University in Bristol, Tenn., where he is also Professor of Law and Religion. He has law degrees from the University of Virginia and Georgetown University, and before his higher education career was an active-duty captain in the Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps. An Anglican layperson and former ACNA diocesan chancellor, he holds graduate theology degrees from Duke University and Trinity School for Ministry, where he has served as trustee for more than a decade.

Book Review: “Take This Cup”

Take This Cup: How God Transforms Suffering into Glory and Joy. By Charles Erlandson. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2020. 216 pp. $46 (cloth); $26 (paper). A deadly global pandemic is probably as propitious a moment as any for a fresh perspective on suffering, given that no one will remain untouched by the offending virus….


Rediscovering J. B. Phillips: An Interview with Peter Croft

Few Christian authors in the second half of the last century had such broad influence inside and out of the Church as J. B. Phillips. Phillips, a Church of England parish priest, became the most famous Anglican clergyman of his day, on both sides of the Atlantic. A contemporary of C. S. Lewis (who encouraged…


Always Turning to the Cross: The Gospel and the Catholic Church

Book Review The Gospel and the Catholic Church: Recapturing a Biblical Understanding of the Church as the Body of Christ. By Michael Ramsey. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson (2009; originally pub. 1935). 200 pp. (plus xvi). $19.95 (paper). $9.95 (Kindle). It has been 85 years since Michael Ramsey (1904-1988) wrote his The Gospel and the Catholic Church,…


Book Review: William Tyndale: A Very Brief History by Melvyn Bragg

William Tyndale: A Very Brief History. By Melvyn Bragg. London: SPCK (2017, 2019). 106 pp. $18.00 (hardcover). $12.00 (paper).[1] $6.99 (Kindle). William Tyndale gave us the English Bible and thereby also the English language as it has been read, written, and spoken since. Melvyn Bragg believes that Tyndale nonetheless is largely a forgotten man—his story,…

The Protestant Problem with Priesthood

Many aspects of Anglicanism can perplex other Protestants—including at times the suggestion that Anglicans are Protestants (the English Martyrs, the 39 Articles, and all that notwithstanding).[1] Those things to which suspicion attaches are generally aspects of Anglican polity and liturgy that seem “Catholic”—that is, those things that share names or appearances with what one might…

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