All laud to Thee, O Holy Ghost

Tune: Tallis’ Canon

All laud to Thee, O Holy Ghost,
Who dost indwell the saintly host,
A temple fair and holy, we
Who now are set at liberty.

For hovered Thou o’er waters deep,
And by Thy power the oceans heap’d
To bring dry land upon the earth
Before mankind had had his birth.

Thou in his nostrils life did breath
And all his members still do weave,
Our Maker, then, Thy grace impart;
To wrought in us a lively heart.

Thou Spirit then in form of dove
Assured us of the Father’s love
Toward His Son, in Whom we dwell
As our baptism doth betell. 

So Spirit, with Thy graceful art,
Thy life to us elect impart
The vale of dry bones resurrect
That they thy glory may reflect.

For us, dear Spirit, make a way,
As Thou didst in the Red Sea day,
Or when the Flood from earth did cease,
Herald a place for man’s increase.

Thou didst the prophets true inspire
And gave the Church celestial fire
On Pentecost, that holy day,
To bless her with her staff and stay.

For, sev’n-fold Ghost, it is by Thee
That Temple-lamps bright we can be.
Thy burning unction from above
Endows us with Thy gifts of love.

We in this Promised Land do dwell
With Christ our Lord Emmanuel.
Thou Spirit then help us proclaim
In word and deed Christ Jesus’ name.


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Barton Gingerich

The Rev. Barton J. Gingerich is the rector of St. Jude's Anglican Church (REC) in Richmond, VA. He holds a B. A. in History from Patrick Henry College and an M.Div. with a concentration in historical theology from Reformed Episcopal Seminary.

'All laud to Thee, O Holy Ghost' has 1 comment

  1. August 1, 2022 @ 10:51 am Philip Enarson

    Beautiful,inspirational, tribute to the Holy. Spirit!

    Thank you.


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