Monthly Archives: January 2024


Calvin’s Political Theology Revisited

What does it look like when a defender of pluralistic liberalism critiques Christian nationalism (i.e., Christendom) without resorting to charges of racism, kinism, and so forth? Sober criticism of this sort has been scarce in the year since Stephen Wolfe’s book on Christian nationalism was published. As it so happens, though, an attempt at serious…


On the Regulative Principle [Commentary on Browne: Article XX]

The declaration contained in Article XX—that “the Church hath power to decree rites or ceremonies, and authority in controversies of faith; and yet it is not lawful for the Church to ordain anything that is contrary to God’s word written”—has been much attacked by Puritans both old and new. As Browne observes, “The origin of…


The Place of Scripture in the ACNA

This is an essay about the place of Scripture in the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA). The characterization of the ACNA in this paper comes from my own observation as a member of it and as a student at one of its more recognizable seminaries, Trinity School for Ministry. My observations probably say more…


Melanchthon and Anglicanism

I spent an interesting twenty minutes on Monday reading an article entitled, “The Anglican Appeal to Lutheran Sources: Philipp Melanchthon’s Reputation in 17th Century England” by Dewey D. Wallace Jr., which first appeared in the Journal of the Historical Society of the PEC in 1983. In it, Wallace outlines the Philippist influence on the English…


An Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles – Article XXXVII (Part 1)

Article XXXVII. Of the Civil Magistrates The Queen’s Majesty hath the chief power in this Realm of England, and other her Dominions, unto whom the chief Government of all Estates of this Realm, whether they be Ecclesiastical or Civil, in all causes doth appertain, and is not, nor ought to be, subject to any foreign…


The Fall of Rome

Hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue. – Francois de La Rochefoucauld “There have been bad Popes before.” I have frequently heard this from Catholics in the Francis era. Once haunting the moral witness of the Church, John XII’s murders and mistresses and the Borgia and Medici mafiosos that ruled the Roman roost during…

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