Monthly Archives: December 2022


A Short Homily for Christmas Day by Mark Frank (1613–1664)

A lesser known Caroline Divine is Mark Frank (1613–1664), once Master of Pembroke College, Cambridge, and later Archdeacon of St. Alban’s. His sermons on the liturgical year were published in two volumes within the Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology and were recently transcribed online by Marianne Dorman. Frank’s homilies are filled with imaginative prose and inspiring…


Christmas and Commandments

By the time a reader comes to this article, their Christmas worship plans will already have been made or will have already been carried out. So, I am not going to remonstrate anyone for how many Christmas services they consider essential to the celebration of Christmas or what calendar days they occupy. My concern is…


Two Poems from the French of Paul Claudel

The Resurrection   This silence of all the centuries before me: there was no way,              it had to be given up. No way to say anymore of interrogated Earth:              she shut herself up. The stars set themselves to tell what they’ve seen,  …


Singing Together for the Advent of our Lord

Many liturgical Christians find that the beginning of the church year — Advent — is their favorite time of the year. I think this is particularly true for those who love Anglican hymnody, as I do. Christmas and Easter get all the attention — with the embarrassment of riches that is too much to fit…


Keep the Watch, Keep the Feast

And he came to the disciples and found them sleeping. And he said to Peter, “So, could you not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” – Matthew 26:40‒41 Regrettably, every year there are Christians who neglect worshipping on Christmas…


The Feast of Dedication : Christians and Chanukah

hristians celebrating Chanukah has become somewhat of a mystery to me – though I should say that I am sympathetic to those who do. When I was first discerning what it meant to be a Jew who had come to believe the Christian claims, I too lit a menorah and sang the prescribed berakhot at…


Death is swallowed up in victory

Anagram of 1 Corinthians 15:54, NKJV run! the Physician has made death burn, wove saints a garment tightly—tools to withstand rot, unspools limp sin-torn city, all without prior wrath, but establishes rich hope upon it


Waiting for a King

It’s interesting how many Western legends include the tale of a sleeping hero: one who died – or perhaps only sleeps – and will return when he is needed the most. From Holger Dansk in Denmark, King Charlemagne in France and Germany, and of course Albion’s own King Arthur, the stories promise that the sleeping…


Editor’s Note Regarding “The Case for Christian Nationalism”

The North American Anglican has never condoned nor does it promote racial hatred or racial bigotry in any of its forms, nor does anyone on the editorial board. For this reason, when Thomas Achord admitted to authoring an anonymous Twitter account containing racist content, we immediately withdrew our reviews of his work. Mr. Achord did…

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