Monthly Archives: July 2022


Book Review: “A Hymnal of the Heart”

A Hymnal of the Heart. Nashotah, WI: Nashotah House Press, 2022. 150 pp. $9.85 (cloth); $3.35 (paper). When I was first asked to review Nashotah House Press’s pocket hymnal—A Hymnal of the Heart—I was admittedly unsure where to begin. As I mentioned in my review of Nashotah’s A Catechism 1604 Redux, “I am often intimidated…


Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles – Article XVI (Part 2)

Section II. — Scriptural Proof. THE first thing we have to show from holy Scripture is, that “every deadly sin committed after baptism is not unpardonable,” and that “the place of forgiveness is not to be denied to such as truly repent.” To prove this proposition, it will be desirable (1) to show that sins…


The Parable of the Vineyard

  It’s said his last words were Unto the uttermost part of the earth, My place of birth, And standing there, I gaze upon a cloud And wish to high heaven that he’d come out. I look steadfastly on His witnesses: clear windows fused with light And heads long gone By walls washed white, And…

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