Daily Archives: February 11, 2022


Take This Cup: Book Review Omnibus

Today The North American Anglican is pleased to publish four new reviews of Fr. Charles Erlandson’s Take This Cup: How God Transforms Suffering into Glory and Joy, written by Joseph Laughon, Dcn. Ron Offringa, Canon Shannon Ramey, and Alexander Whitaker. While a review of this book was already published here back in August 2020, these…

Book Review: “Take This Cup”

Take This Cup: How God Transforms Suffering into Glory and Joy. By Charles Erlandson. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2020. 216 pp. $46 (cloth); $26 (paper). A deadly global pandemic is probably as propitious a moment as any for a fresh perspective on suffering, given that no one will remain untouched by the offending virus….

Book Review: “Take This Cup”

Take This Cup: How God Transforms Suffering into Glory and Joy. By Charles Erlandson. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2020. 216 pp. $46 (cloth); $26 (paper). “But Jesus said unto them, Ye know not what ye ask: can ye drink of the cup that I drink of? and be baptized with the baptism that I…

Book Review: “Take This Cup”

Take This Cup: How God Transforms Suffering into Glory and Joy. By Charles Erlandson. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2020. 216 pp. $46 (cloth); $26 (paper). Fr. Charles Erlandson’s Take This Cup takes upon itself the daunting task of answering how God uses suffering for our joy and his glory. Fr. Erlandson divides his work…

Book Review: “Take This Cup”

Take This Cup: How God Transforms Suffering into Glory and Joy. By Charles Erlandson. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2020. 216 pp. $46 (cloth); $26 (paper). Theodicy is a subject that writers, theologians, and even comedians have tried tackling. Every religion and thought system on some level attempts to explain human suffering. Oftentimes these discussions,…

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