Monthly Archives: January 2022


J. C. Ryle on What Evangelical Religion Is (Part 3)

Reading further in Ryle’s Knots Untied, here is another thought from Ryle on what evangelical religion is: ( c ) The third leading feature of Evangelical Religion is the paramount importance it attaches to the work and office of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the nature of the salvation which He has wrought out for man. Its…


An Anglican Pastoral Theology of Contraception

MY STORY WITH NFP I read Pope Paul VI’s 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae three weeks before I got married. I was moved to tears by this solemn hymn to Holy Matrimony, and it solidified my growing conviction of the moral need to reject the use of artificial contraception. The logic was crystal clear and dazzling…


An Encounter

    I’ve been away all day, and coming home— I can’t believe it—all the kids are leaping To tell me what’s transpired in my absence. They’re at the store together, five of them Propped in the shopping cart or following it, Their mother slowly leading down the aisle, To get the toilet paper, bread, a…

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