Monthly Archives: August 2021


Secular Stories Part 2: The Failed Enlightenment Project

This article is part of the series “Secular Stories.” Click below to read other installments: SECULAR STORIES: AN INTRODUCTION SECULAR STORIES PART 1: MACINTYRE’S ‘SUGGESTION’ AND EMOTIVISM SECULAR STORIES PART 3: THE PROBLEM WITH SOCIAL SCIENCES SECULAR STORIES PART 4: ARISTOTLE OR NIETZSCHE? We started this series with a discussion and acknowledgment of the problem…


The Monk

This winter I have let my beard hang like litter from my face, and boiled tea, and for a time, looked on and longed to be taken alongside the fields by undisturbed whiteness. There I would mind the cold for its finch-thick sill of bone, and watch last week’s split ash burn like the debris…

A Homily for Good Friday Part I

A Homily for Good Friday, Concerning the Death and Passion of Our Saviour Jesus Christ It should not become us, well beloved in Christ, being that people which be redeemed from the devil, from sin and death, and from everlasting damnation by Christ, to suffer this time to pass forth without any meditation and remembrance…


The Theology Missing From the Vaccine Debates

As Covid-19 vaccines are being rolled out to service Americans, along comes a hefty dose of shame, mockery, and manipulation. Just take for example a sampling of recent attempts to shame those ‘white evangelicals’ who are endangering the rest of us—at least that is the implication. All of these arguments intend to portray the opposition…

Tract XI – On The Church (Part II)

This entry is part 16 of 16 in the series Erlandson: Tracts for the Times 2.0

The Church is the House of God The Church is not only the Body and Bride of Christ: it’s also the House of God and the place where God lives![1] Throughout the Bible, God builds His house (or Temple), the place where He intends to live with man. In the beginning, God’s house was in…


Evangelicals, Anglicanism and Authoritarian Abuse

I was raised an evangelical. I became an Anglican (yet, I retain my evangelical identity). This, for one fundamental reason: authority. I realized that evangelicals need one feature in their practice that is often missing: authority. Evangelicals, undoubtedly, have one authority and that is the Bible. But as with so many realities in Scripture, authority…

Book Review: “Contemplating God with the Great Tradition”

Contemplating God with the Great Tradition: Recovering Trinitarian Classical Theism. By Craig A. Carter. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2021. 352 pp. $32.99 (paper). Recently, there has been a marked effort among some Christian scholars to recover the classical Christian doctrine of God and the Trinity. This effort has included All That Is in God by…

The Rector’s Wife

She was wont to laugh, then not at all. She stood at the door dripping rain, He waved her in, he was on a call — a parishioner ringing to complain. She was wont to laugh, then not at all. “They think you are of ill repute and lacking in propriety that you would wear…

An Homily of Repentance and of True Reconciliation Unto God Part III

In the Homily last spoken unto you, right well beloved people in our Saviour Christ, ye heard of the true parts and tokens of repentance; that is, hearty contrition and sorrowfulness of our hearts, unfeigned confession in word of mouth for our unworthy living before God, a steadfast faith to the merits of our Saviour…

Top Ten Commentaries on The Book of Common Prayer

The earliest commentaries on the Book of Common Prayer were prepared at Archbishop Cranmer’s request by Martin Bucer and Peter Martyr Vermigli. In 1551 both divines wrote a Censura (that of Vermigli, unfortunately, is no longer extant) assessing the liturgies of the Prayer Book for the consistency with which they apply the Church’s teaching to…

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