Monthly Archives: August 2020

An Homily of Common Prayer and Sacraments

An Homily Wherein is Declared that Common Prayer and Sacraments Ought to be Ministered in a Tongue that is Understanded of the Hearers Among the manifold exercises of God’s people, dear Christians there is none more necessary for all estates and at all times than is Public Prayer and the due use of Sacraments. For…

Call for Poetry Submissions

  As the summer comes to a close, it’s time for Daniel Rattelle and me to turn our attention to the serious matter of poetry. Last year, we had a grand old time editing our first volume for Little Gidding Press, The Slumbering Host. I pitched the idea to Dan the first time we met,…


Book Review: The Acts of the Apostles – A Latin Reader by Dale A. Grote

Dale A. Grote, The Acts of the Apostles: A Latin Reader. Concord, NC: CiRCE Institute, 2020. Xvii + 261 pp. Paperback $20.99. Learning grammar and vocabulary is a necessary first step in learning a new language. However, encountering a text in that language is often a whole other experience. Reading and speaking a language are…

Film Review: Emma (2020)

Film Review of Emma (2020) If it is true that, as Alison Milbank puts it, film adaptations of the novels of Jane Austen are marked by “careful visual authenticity in details of clothing and furniture with equally anachronistic dialogue,”[1] then Autumn de Wilde’s new version of Emma fits in with the crowd. But it is…


In filtered sunlight footstools even shine.They show in autumn tones their tenebrae,A brown that sparkles—isn’t that so fine!Along with chipper calls, cicadas pray. The peaceful sun’s retirement from this day,This night, leaves nothing lost; days do not die.Instead, night gathers in and up our playIn packets portaged forward, tight and dry. The day’s clear glare…

The Christian and Classical Idea of Social Justice

A friend of mine has the misfortune of owning a number of stone cottages. I say “misfortune” because the cottages are in Scotland, and their rents are fixed at the level of 1914. The cottages were built long before 1914–some of them are eighteenth-century work, with their pantiled roofs and thick rubble walls and irregular…

An Homily Concerning Prayer Part I

An Homily or Sermon Concerning Prayer THERE is nothing in all man’s life, well beloved in our Saviour Christ, so needful to be spoken of, and daily to be called upon, as hearty, zealous, and devout prayer; the necessity whereof is so great, that without it nothing may be well obtained at God’s hand. For,…


Always Turning to the Cross: The Gospel and the Catholic Church

Book Review The Gospel and the Catholic Church: Recapturing a Biblical Understanding of the Church as the Body of Christ. By Michael Ramsey. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson (2009; originally pub. 1935). 200 pp. (plus xvi). $19.95 (paper). $9.95 (Kindle). It has been 85 years since Michael Ramsey (1904-1988) wrote his The Gospel and the Catholic Church,…

An Homily Against Excess of Apparel

An Homily Against Excess of Apparel Where ye have heretofore been excited and stirred to use temperance of meats and drinks, and to avoid the excess thereof, in many ways hurtful to the state of the commonwealth, and also odious before Almighty God, being the Author and Giver of such creatures, to comfort and stablish…


“Draw Near”

A moment in the Communion service has fired my imagination for the past three years. Then shall the Priest say to them that come to receive the holy Communion, Ye that do truly and earnestly repent you of your sins, and are in love and charity with your neighbours, and intend to lead a new…

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