Saint John the Baptist

This is the wilderness of fasting, prayer—
a rugged landscape, marked by rocks and caves—
and of the crying voice which will declare
the coming of One mightier, who saves.

Emaciated, clad in cloak and hide
(the beast’s head visible), pale face, raw hand,
the prophet waits at sunset, to abide
until the time is full across the land.

He holds a bannered staff, to represent
the Resurrection; in his arms, the Lamb
of God is cradled, shoulder bleeding, spent—
the Son begotten of the great I AM.

Catharine Savage Brosman

Catharine Savage Brosman is professor emerita of French at Tulane University. She is author of Louisiana Creole Literature: A Historical Study and coauthor (with Olivia McNeely Pass) of Louisiana Poets: A Literary Guide, both published by University Press of Mississippi. She has also written numerous books of French literary history and criticism, three volumes of nonfiction prose, twelve collections of poetry, and her latest book, Clara’s Bees, will appear on Little Gidding Press in the summer of 2021.

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