Introducing Cranmer Theological Journal

Cranmer Theological Journal (, a new peer-reviewed journal of Anglican theology, recently published its first issue. CTJ was created to fill a void by addressing the needs of biblically orthodox Anglicans in North America, at a time when the existing journals reflect the same doctrinal issues that prompted numerous Anglicans to leave the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada.

On the one hand, the new journal was structured to reflect scholarly norms. It is built on the Open Journal Systems platform utilized by more than 30,000 journals worldwide. It provides the DOI and metatags that are a prerequisite for Google Scholar indexing, while open access means that the full text of all articles can be indexed by any search engine.

At the same time, it is intended to be accessible beyond a purely academic audience. Open access means the articles can be read (and cited) by those who do not have a university library subscription to proprietary journals. Shorter articles (8,000 words or less) emphasize more focused arguments rather than an exhaustive review. The closest equivalent is The Churchman, published by the Church Society for the Church of England for more than a century (until it was replaced by The Global Anglican).

The first discussions for CTJ began in 2019, but its organization began in earnest in Fall 2022. As is common with a new journal, Volume 1 is being launched with a special issue of invited articles, in this case on the theme of “Anglican Identity in the 21st Century.”

The recently published January 2024 issue includes articles on Anglican Identity by Dr. Charles Erlandson (Cranmer Theological House), Dr. Justyn Terry (Wycliffe Hall, Oxford) and Dr. Gerald McDermott (Reformed Episcopal Seminary and Jerusalem Seminary). It also has reviews of books by Hans Boersma, Philip Hobday and Dan Alger. The second issue of the volume next summer will have other articles on Anglican Identity, as well as additional book reviews. We are also seeking submissions for Volume 2, which are due July 15.

We believe that CTJ provides a new forum for conversations about biblical, doctrinal, liturgical and other topics of importance to North American Anglicans, one that is complementary and compatible with the North American Anglican. We look forward to your comments and suggestions.

Joel W. West

Joel is co-chair of the Domestic Missions Committee for the Diocese of the Holy Trinity of the Anglican Catholic Church, co-founder of Continuing Forward, and managing editor of Cranmer Theological Journal. A researcher on hymnody, liturgy and church planting, he is a graduate of Cranmer Theological House and a current student at Nashotah House.

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