
To understand the mission of The North American Anglican, please read here.

We hope that The North American Anglican can be a home for a range of orthodox Anglican voices (from Packer to Pusey, as we say). However, we also recognize that there can be significant disagreement among those voices. To that end, we want to be clear: publication does not mean endorsement by the editors unless stated otherwise.

The North American Anglican takes traditional stances, especially where the tradition is controverted, including on holy orders and holy matrimony. While we welcome all submissions, please note that pieces advocating for positions other than these will not be published without heavy editorial annotation. Further, we reserve the right to turn down any submission that fails to align with our mission, doesn’t fit our editorial standards, or for other unstated reasons.

Material submitted should be new, unpublished, and uncirculated on the Internet (exceptions may be made for substantially updated articles or re-prints of old articles).

The submitter agrees to grant exclusive use of the material for a period of one year from the date of publication in The North American Anglican, and perpetual use for either print or web publication.

Guidelines for Articles. 

1. Format

• Do not include a bibliography. For instructions about citation, see point 6 on endnotes below.

2. Spelling and editing

• Unless this style sheet has different instructions, follow The Chicago Manual of Style on general editing questions.

• Use U.S. spellings.

• Use the final “series comma” in lists of three or more items.

• Use italics for emphasis, book and journal titles, and foreign words. Do not use underlining or bolding at all.

• Do not use page, section, or endnote numbers that refer, within your article, to the article itself.

• When there is any question as to capitalization, do not capitalize words.

• As stated in the Chicago Manual, omit hyphens wherever possible.

• Greek and Hebrew words, which should be used sparingly, must be transliterated and italicized.

3. Biblical citations

References to the Bible may be included within the text of the article, in parentheses, before the final punctuation of the sentence. Use the abbreviations of biblical books in the Chicago Manual (the first, Protestant/Anglican list). Separate chapter from verse with a colon. The version you are quoting should be mentioned in the first citation only.

4. Abbreviations

The North American Anglican usually does not use Latin abbreviations in endnotes. Instructions for avoiding cf., ibid., and op. cit. in endnotes are in point 6 below.

5. General matters of style

The North American Anglican is read by an educated but general audience. When technical or specialized terminology is necessary, explain it.

• Write in the active, not the passive voice. Avoid the “editorial we.” First-person singular pronouns are quite acceptable.

• In longer articles, include headings and, if necessary, subheadings. In general, these should not be numbered.

6. Endnotes

(a) General rule for endnotes

The general rule is simple. Your first citation of a published work should give all the relevant information. Every reference thereafter should use only the original author’s last name and a short title for the book or article, followed by a page number.

This general rule has two negative corollaries, both noted above. The North American Anglican does not normally use ibid. or loc. cit. or op. cit., and we do not use bibliographies or lists of works consulted. Bibliographical information for any work consulted will appear in the first endnote that refers to that work.

(b) First endnote — books

In the first endnote for a book, give the author’s name, the title, and (in parentheses) the place of publication, publisher, and date; the page number follows, as in this example.1

1 Darby Kathleen Ray, Deceiving the Devil: Atonement, Abuse, and Ransom (Cleveland: The Pilgrim Press, 1998), 68-70.

(c) First endnote — articles

For an article, the order is: author’s name, title of the article, name of the journal, volume number, year (in parentheses), and after a colon and a space, the page number. It is helpful, though not absolutely necessary, to provide the range of pages for the whole article, as well as the page or pages you are referring to, as in the example.2

2 Timothy F. Sedgwick, “Accounting for the Christian Life,” Anglican Theological Review 76 (1994): 171-183, at 178.

(d) First endnote — chapters in an edited book

The form for a chapter in an edited book combines (b) and (c), like this.3

3 Martha J. Horne, “A Place of Integration and Synthesis: The Challenge of Seminary Education,” in Robert Boak Slocum, ed., A New Conversation: Essays on the Future of Theology and the Episcopal Church (New York: Church Publishing Incorporated, 1999), 271-272.

(e) Subsequent endnotes

Once complete information has been given, use a short title (which you should determine) in each subsequent endnote, whether of a book4 or an article or chapter.5

4 Ray, Deceiving the Devil, 92.

5 Horne, “Integration and Synthesis,” 276.

(f) Some additional instructions

• If there will be a large number of page references to a single work, you may include these (within parentheses, preceded by “p.” or “pp.” ) in the main text of your article, after notifying the reader.6

6 A. M. Allchin, Participation in God: A Forgotten Strand in Anglican Tradition (Wilton, Conn.: Morehouse-Barlow Co. Inc., 1988), 31. Subsequent references will be included in the text.

• References to classical works that have been published in many editions and translations should be numbered according to the original scheme.7 It is for the author to decide whether to include, as well, information about the modern edition consulted. If you do include this, it should follow the usual format for books as outlined above.

7 Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae III q. 2 a. 1 reply; see also Augustine, De Trinitate VIII 4 (6).

• The ban on Latin abbreviations includes cf. Write “see” or “see also” or “compare” or “consult,” depending on what you mean.

• Longer, explanatory endnotes that include bibliographical information should include it in the format prescribed here.8

8 For example, the endnote may itself include a quotation. According to Sedgwick, “Of these articles, only Rachel Hosmer provides a view of the field” (Sedgwick, “Accounting,” 177).

Guidelines for Book Reviews

(1) Purpose of book reviews

A review is a brief introduction to a book, which tells the reader something about the book’s topic and approach. It should also discuss how useful, to whom, the book might be. A review that fulfills this purpose will involve praise, criticism, or both.

(2) Length

A book review in The North American Anglican should be no more than 1000 words long. If you judge that because of special circumstances a longer review is appropriate, consult with the Book Review Editor in advance. You may also judge that a book is not worthy of any review. Please discuss the matter with the Book Review Editor in that case also.

(3) Style

In general, the instructions given above for articles apply to book reviews as well. So, for example, you should follow the Chicago Manual of Style and use U.S. spellings.Cite any quotations by page number, within parentheses, preceded by “p.” or “pp.”

(4) Standard form of a book review

(a) Put a bibliographical heading at the top of the review, giving the number of pages in the book and its price (if you know it), in this form:

Title: Subtitle. By author. Edited by editor. Translated by translator. Series. Number of volumes. Edition. City: Publisher, year. Number of pages. Price (cloth); price (paper).

Not every book will need all these items of information.

(b) The text of the review.

(c) Your name (in roman type) and institution or location or both (in italics).

Example: a review by William H. Harrison of the book The Anglican Vision, by James E. Griffiss, would take this form:

The Anglican Vision. By James E. Griffiss. The New Church’s Teaching Series, volume 1. Cambridge, Mass.: Cowley Publications, 1997. x + 148 pp. $11.95 (paper).

This book, the first volume in …

William H. Harrison
College of Emmanuel and St. Chad
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

(5) Submitting a review

All book reviews should be sent as e-mail attachments to SUBMISSIONS.

If possible, the file should be in Microsoft Word. Files in other formats, such as WordPerfect, can usually be accommodated. If these are impossible, save and attach the file in a text format, or paste it into the body of your e-mail message.

The file should have a title in the following form:

[book author’s last name] by [reviewer’s last name].doc

For the example above, the file would have the title: Griffiss by Harrison.doc

(c) 2025 North American Anglican