Christ The Redeemer: Men’s Retreat 2024 with Calvin Robinson

Courage is something we are missing in our culture today. We need courage to stand up for what’s right, whether it be in our places of employment or even in our families and church communities, the virtue of courage has fallen on hard times in Christianity today.

In the Anglican world, we often do not appreciate the ways in which the Prayer Book tradition and the liturgical life prepare our hearts to be bold. The centrality of the Psalter and the importance of vigorous hymnody are just a few examples of this.

To take some time to reflect on the ways in which an ordered life of prayer prepares us to be courageous in our culture, Christ the Redeemer, an REC parish in Owensboro, KY, is hosting a men’s retreat on December 14th, 2024. The guest speaker will be Fr. Calvin Robinson, someone who has quite a bit of experience having to be bold.

The event will be held at the St. Meinrad Archabbey in Indiana (200 S Hill Dr, Saint Meinrad, IN 47577) in the St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel. Registration will begin at 8am with Lauds in the Archabbey with the monks beginning at 5am for those interested. The event is being sponsored by Rugged Rosaries and Canon Press who have donated excellent items for giveaways.

Purchase your ticket here:

For local hotels, check out Comfort Inn and Quality Inn & Suites, both in Ferdinand, Indiana.

Noah Elkins

Noah David Elkins is a postulant for Holy Orders in the Reformed Episcopal Church. He previously worked as a high school English teacher, and now he serves as a hospice chaplain and a biblical counselor. Noah received his A.A. in Humanities from Oklahoma City Community College, his B.A. in History from the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, his Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from New Saint Andrews College, and he is currently pursuing a Master of Pastoral Ministry from Nashotah House Theological Seminary. Noah became a postulant in 2024 and is pursuing ordination to the diaconate. He attends Christ the Redeemer in Owensboro, KY.

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