We See Through A Mirror Darkly
Songs of Thankfulness and Praise – Second Sunday after the Epiphany
Songs of thankfulness and praise, Jesus, Lord, to Thee we raise, Manifested by the star To the sages from afar; Branch of royal David’s stem In Thy birth at Bethlehem; Anthems be to Thee addressed, God in Man made manifest. In today’s Gospel reading, the Living God visits a wedding (John 2:1-11). The traditional Western…
Catechists on Call – To Be A Christian App Now Available
This week the long-awaited To Be a Christian app is live on the Apple App Store and Google Play after months of waiting since the 2024 ACNA Assembly. The developers have created a webpage for the app, which redirects to the developers’ webpage with future updates. Attendees who downloaded the app have access for free,…
Nonconforming, Ever Transforming – The First Sunday after Epiphany
As with gladness men of old did the guiding star behold; as with joy they hailed its light, leading onward, beaming bright; so, most gracious God, may we evermore be led to Thee. The First Sunday after the Epiphany comes in powerfully. St. Paul’s epistle grabs us by the collar and makes frank that which…
Joy & Wonders – The Feasts of Circumcision & Epiphany
Joy to the world! the Lord is come: Let earth receive her King; Let ev’ry heart prepare Him room And heav’n and nature sing, And heav’n and nature sing, And heav’n, and heaven and nature sing. This is the season of Joy. The season continues in such a manner that it embarrasses both the world…
Angels from the Realms of Glory – The Sunday after Christmas Day
Merry Christmas! Yes, you heard me correctly: Merry Christmas! Christmastide has just begun, and the Christmas feast continues through Epiphany. The world does not understand salutations of “Merry Christmas” after December 25—much less keeping up the decorations—as the nations have fallen back into the dark bleakness of midwinter. Meanwhile, the Church rejoices, for Christ is…
What Child Is This? – Christmas Day
Christ is born! Behold the Almighty Lord God in such a tender and fragile package. He is presented to us as a gift who is in need of one of His image-bearers to swaddle, feed, and tend to His every need. Peer over the manger and glimpse God enfleshed opening His eyes upon the world…
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel – The Fourth Sunday in Advent
O come, O come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel, that mourns in lonely exile here until the Son of God appear. O come, thou Wisdom from on high, who orderest all things mightily; to us the path of knowledge show, and teach us in her ways to go. “Emmanuel…Wisdom” The dark days are over. Despite…
On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist Cries – Third Sunday in Advent
On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry announces that the Lord is nigh; awake and hearken, for he brings glad tidings of the King of kings. Advent is a season of preparation. Oftentimes, we see it as a time of preparing the People of God for His return. However, we are called to always be…
Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending – Second Sunday in Advent
Lo! he comes, with clouds descending, Once for our salvation slain; Thousand thousand saints attending Swell the triumph of his train: Alleluia! Alleluia! Christ, the Lord, returns to reign. “Mark my words,” is the theme of this Sunday’s collect. Yet do we truly mark our Lord’s words? Hearing the Second Coming, the Judgment, and…
The Oxford Martyrs: A Call to Faithfulness
Four hundred sixty-nine years ago, Bishops Hugh Latimer and Nicholas Ridley were bound to a wooden pyre. Their bodies were restrained and immovable. The pyre was lit and the men burned up and burned away into martyrdom and into history with Bishop Latimer immortally encouraging his companion, “Be of good cheer, Master Ridley, and play the man, for…