Poets’ Corner

Lenten Sonnet
O God, who mak’st the tow’ring mountains melt, Look not upon my westward-facing sin: I pray thee to expunge the wrong I’ve dealt And turn my soul toward the East again. I have no sacrifice to offer thee: Thy word and sacrament my heart accuse. Accept my purple robe from Calvary; Thy son no contrite…
First Wednesday
One step down, my back turned against pear groves As the perfume of orange blossoms drifts On the breeze, mixed memoirs of when we clove Tightly to each other. An anchor lifts, But casually, skirting the floor and primed To fall in the wake of first resistance, And I don’t know if its weight is…
Tales of Two Rich Men
A Certain Young Ruler Luke 18:18–29. He seemed to make sense then, this Jesus, the “prophet,” A few days ago when he urged being shrewd When making investments to earn a good profit, But now I can see the man wants to exclude All those who know business and aren’t just naïve. He talks of…
St. Jerome in the Desert
The lion at your side, Like you, cadaverous master, Stares up at the dark sky And waits this world’s disaster. With never a pause you pray And with creation groan, Striking at your hard heart To break it with a stone. Did you find holiness Inside the cave you keep, And does the Spirit guard…
Going to the Dogs
Isaiah 11:6 I learned a new phrase yesterday. That new phrase was, “Our canine child.” The speaker then went on to say, “We rescued him when he was wild— But don’t you think he rescued us?” I nodded, smiled like I agreed, Yet deep inside was curious About where all of this will lead. I…
“My cup runneth over.”—Psalm 23:5 Gracious God, for this glorious day poured From your upsidedown goblet the size of the scarlet-rimmed skies, We raise our praise as a longstemmed glass that glints With intimations of Your higher world’s glow, Trying to catch the overflow that hints At things not known by sight—yet partly known From…
Ever Vigilant Church Militant
Body broken,God hath spoken—By the Word,Spirit led. Ever vigilantChurch militant—Triumphant chorus—Praise surrounds our King. Fear no battle:Christ has conquered,Joined us to His body,By the Spirit’s love. The Nile He parted,Drowned Pharoah’s army;Walls of JerichoHave tumbled to ruin. Above the treetopsGoes the Lord’s army:We enter intoHis victory won. Saints of old testify,The angelic host,Led by the…
Surface Beauty/Analogia Entis
Alia claritas solis, alia claritas lunae, et alia claritas stellarum. stella enim a stella differt in claritate. It’s not a dropdripped deep in each,nor yet a gemset ¡there! with care.It’s in the air,everywheretinted on skins,splashed and slathered,it’s visible to every eye. It shines out light,sparkless, at dark.Goes forth sourceless,but it angelsevery angle,ubiquitous,too thick to flicker,expressed…
Remain with me. I do not choose you less For knowing long your wiles and waywardness. Be rooted with me, planted side by side, Though blighted fruit and thorns be multiplied. Rest with me, while the desert wastes increase, The garden fails, the vine and fig tree cease: Do not depart, although shame and distress…
What could have been— Littlest life Measured in fruit? Holding a knife, I remember, As I slice a plum That was this week’s— And cut my thumb. Other bellies Swell around me While my blood still Comes like the sea. Nothing grows under My ribs—no teeth, No bones, no soul. Instead, beneath My heart, it’s…