Articles by Will Prydain

Will Prydain lives in Birmingham, Alabama, and attends an Anglican church nearby. By conviction and training he tends to look at things from an evangelical, Reformed Anglican perspective.


J.C. Ryle on the 39 Articles of Religion (Part 9) “Final Thoughts”

Here are Ryle’s final thoughts on the Articles of Religion, in which he asks that we never be ashamed of the Articles: (4) Finally, let me advise every Churchman who values his soul never to be ashamed of the great leading doctrines which are so nobly set forth in the Articles. Never mind if people call…


J.C. Ryle on the 39 Articles of Religion (Part 8) “Churchmanship”

As you will see from this brief excerpt of Ryle’s next point, he certainly thinks that one’s churchmanship can be tested by his view of the Thirty-Nine Articles: (3) In the third place, I advise all who read this paper to test all Churchmanship by the test of the Articles. Be not carried away by those who…


J.C. Ryle on the 39 Articles of Religion (Part 7)

From Knots Untied, here is a brief appeal by Ryle to teach the Thirty-Nine Articles in Anglican churches: (2) In the second place, I ask all who read this paper to teach the Thirty-nine Articles to all young people who are yet of an age to be taught. It is a burning shame that the Articles are not made an…


J. C. Ryle on The 39 Articles of Religion (Part 6)

Ryle here is approaching the conclusion of his text on the Articles of Religion. Here he is advocating reading them at least once a year: Such are the leading features, in my judgment, of the Thirty-nine Articles. I commend them to the attention of my readers, and ask that they may be carefully weighed. No…


J. C. Ryle on The 39 Articles of Religion (Part 5)

From Knots Untied, here is Ryle’s assessment of how the Articles see Holy Scripture: (5) Let us mark, in the last place, as we read the Articles, the unvarying reverence with which they always speak of Holy Scripture. The inspiration of the Bible, no doubt, is never distinctly asserted. It is evidently taken for granted as a…



One thing that really did strike me about Ryle’s thoughts on the Articles of Religion is that he views them as a thoroughly Protestant document: (4) Let us mark, in the fourth place, as we read the Articles, the thoroughly Protestant spirit which runs throughout them, and the boldness of their language about Romish error. What says…


J. C. Ryle on The 39 Articles of Religion (Part 3)

Reading further in Knots Untied, this is what Ryle says about the sacraments and the Articles of Religion: (3) Let us mark, in the next place, as we read the Articles, their wise, discreet, and well-balanced statements about the Sacraments. They declare plainly the Divine authority of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper They use high and reverend…


J. C. Ryle on The 39 Articles of Religion (Part 2)

Continuing to read in Knots Untied, Ryle has this to say about the Articles’ “studied moderation about things nonessential to salvation, and things about which good Christian men may differ.” (2) Let us mark, in the next place, as we read the Articles, their studied moderation about things nonessential to salvation, and things about which good Christian…


J. C. Ryle on The 39 Articles of Religion (Part 1)

Reading a little further (actually several chapters) in Knots Untied, Ryle has quite a bit to say about the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion: What the Articles are we have seen. What their position and authority is in the Church of England we have also seen. Ought we not now to see what are the great leading characteristics…


J. C. Ryle on What Evangelical Religion Is (Part 5)

Reading further in Ryle’s Knots Untied, here is a fifth – and final – installment from Ryle on what evangelical religion is: ( e ) The fifth and last leading feature in Evangelical Religion is the importance which it attaches to the outward and visible work of the Holy Ghost in the life of man. Its theory is that…

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