Articles by Wes Morgan

Wes Morgan

Wesley Morgan is an attorney from Virginia and Anglican layman. He attends a conservative-leaning parish in the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia and works towards Anglican unity in the United States. He is a member of the Episcopal Fellowship for Renewal, a grassroots movement predominately composed of older teens and young adults with the main goal of restoring The Episcopal Church.


A Call to Arms to Restore TEC: The Mission of the Episcopal Fellowship for Renewal

The decline of mainline Protestantism has been covered ad nauseum from Christian news sources and literature to American “mainstream” media.[1] In 1975, mainline Protestants comprised 31% of Americans, whereas only 21% of Americans identified as evangelical Protestants. Since then, mainline Protestantism entered a steep decline, landing at a meager 11% of Americans in 2018.[2] Two…

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