Articles by Tripp Parker

Tripp Parker

Tripp Parker is a graduate of Duke University where he studied computer engineering, computer science, and philosophy. He works as an engineer and occasionally writes about philosophy, theology, and culture. You can find him on twitter @SinnerSaved45.

Jesus is Arrested and Brought Before Annas — My Catholic Life!

An Infamously Good Day: The day Jesus died

As you wake up on Good Friday, you might reflect on what has already happened on this day nearly two thousand years ago, and what will take place in the coming hours. While you were sleeping, Jesus was betrayed by Judas and arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane. He was then taken before Caiaphas and…


The Sin of Not Celebrating the Fall of Roe v Wade

There’s a curious suggestion among some self-attested pro-life Christians that we need to be measured in our response to Roe being, finally, overturned. The Gospel Coalition published an article that stated But as we welcome this ruling, we must be measured in our response. Now isn’t the time for the church to beat its chest in…

(c) 2025 North American Anglican
