Articles by The Revd. Canon Dr. Ben Sharpe

The Revd. Canon Dr. Ben Sharpe

The Revd. Dr. Ben Sharpe is a church planter, the Rector Emeritus of Christ Church in Winston-Salem, NC, and Canon Missioner for West Virginia and Appalachia in the Anglican Diocese of Christ Our Hope, ACNA.


We Cannot Live Without Sunday: When Can the Church Tell the State, No?

What follows are some thoughts about the extent and limits of the church’s obligation to obey the civil authorities. This is particularly relevant to the recent closing of hundreds of churches in Rwanda by the Kagame regime.[1] Nevertheless, I would not begin to presume to offer any admonition or advice to Rwandan believers in general…


A Proposal: Purim Redux

The Book of Esther recounts a plan to commit genocide against the Jews during their time of exile under the reign of the Persian king, Ahasuerus. The plot was hatched by one of the King’s officials by the name of Haman, who had a profound loathing for the Jews and used the machinations of government to…


We Are not Called to Be Winsome

Remember way back to those halcyon days of “Neutral World?” Neutral World, as described by Aaron Renn in his recent First Things article, “The Three Worlds of Evangelicalism,” was the period of time spanning 1994 to 2014.[1] Renn maintains that during that period the broader culture was neither negative nor positive in relation to Christianity,…

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