Articles by The Most Rev Ray Sutton

The Most Rev Ray Sutton

The Most Rev. Ray R. Sutton serves as the Presiding Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church (REC) and the Ordinary of the Diocese of Mid America. He is also the Dean of the Province and Ecumenical Affairs of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), of which the Reformed Episcopal Church is a founding member and special jurisdiction. Bishop Sutton often lectures at ACNA and Reformed Episcopal Seminaries, and is a popular retreat speaker.


Response to a Book Review of “Re-Formed Catholic Anglicanism”

This article is a response to Mr. James Clark’s November 24, 2024, book review of Re-Formed Catholic Anglicanism (eds. Charles Camlin, Charles Erlandson, & Joshua Harper, Dallas: Anglican Way Institute Press, 2024), in the North American Anglican. Unfortunately, Mr. Clark never actually reviewed the book! Instead, he focused on a subpoint of a subpoint in…


The Complete Gospel for The Age of Exclusive Secularism

The following is The Presiding Bishop’s Exhortation first delivered at The 57th General Council of the Reformed Episcopal Church on June 7, 2023 *** The great 16th century German monk and reformer, Martin Luther, once stated the following: If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest expression every portion of the truth of God…

Renewing Anglican Education

The Need for Catechesis I call upon our parishes to strengthen all their catechetical and educational programs. Our world is Biblically illiterate. Even many in the church do not know the Scriptures. David Younts writes in his book, Beggaring Belief, “Pollster George Gallup Jr. has long referred to America as a ‘nation of biblical illiterates.’…

Orthodox Anglican Social Teaching: Pandemic, Identity, and Ethnicity

“Not My will but Thy Will Be Done” (Luke 22:42) Our Lord Jesus Christ’s singular purpose was to do His Father’s will. Early in His ministry He instructed His disciples to pray, “Thy will be done” (Matthew 6:10). In the Garden of Gethsemane He concluded, “Not My will but thy will be done” (Luke 22:42)….

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