Articles by Raymond Davison

Raymond Davison

Raymond Davison is an Ordinand in the Diocese of the Holy Cross, a diocese comprised of parishes affiliated with Forward in Faith North America. He is a graduate of St. Vladimir's Orthodox Seminary and the King's College, NYC. Some seminary highlights have been reciting the Litany at two Marches for Life and serving as his Bishop's Acolyte at the Solemn High Mass of the Joint DHC-ACC-ACA-ACC Synod this past January.


A Saint Study: Charles Stuart, King and Martyr

he following was originally written for a course entitled “Prayer and Sanctity” as part of my M. Div. work at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. We were asked to examine the life and writings of a saint in our tradition and to consider the following: “ the official life (vita, synaxarion); legendary material; liturgical hymnography;…

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